Wisconsin State Documentation & Protocol Committee: Guidelines and Resources

Additional Resources

  • Track-Kit

    Wisconsin Track-Kit

    All SAKs collected by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs) will be tracked in Track-Kit, an online system that allows survivors to follow the location of their kit through the testing process.

  • Rural Wisconsin Hospital Cooperative

    Offering educational courses, as well as a round table discussion/support group for SANE programs. RWHC also offers many other courses in nursing, leadership, quality, and human resources.

  • Wisconsin Legislative Initiative

    Wisconsin Legislative Initiative

    The Wisconsin Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (WiSAKI) is a statewide effort to address the accumulation of unsubmitted sexual assault kits (SAKs) in the possession of local law enforcement agencies and hospitals. Initiated by the Attorney General’s Sexual Assault Response Team (AG SART) and led by the Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ), WiSAKI is a collaborative effort among law enforcement, victim advocates, sexual assault nurse examiners, prosecutors, health care systems, and the Wisconsin State Crime Lab (WSCL).

    We now know there is value in testing kits, even when the evidence does not seem necessary in the immediate case. Finding the offender’s DNA may link that offender to other assaults and can have the power to bring justice for other victims. Further, if DNA links multiple offenses together, then often the prosecutions can be linked.

    The DOJ process all submitted kits in an effort to bring justice to sexual assault survivors.

  • Midwest Regional Children’s Advocacy Center

    Midwest Regional CAC is committed to providing affordable, accessible, and cost-effective training methods for MDTs utilizing the latest technology and research to deliver timely, relevant, capacity-building programs.

  • National Indigenous Women's Resource Center

    Dedicated to Restoring Sovereignty and Safeguarding Native Women and Children. Educational resources; Webinars, Past Webinars, Women are Sacred Conference.


    End Violence Against Women International helps improve outcomes for survivors of sexual and domestic violence. They work to protect victims, prevent future attacks, and keep our communities safe. EVAWI provides an online training institute for the multi-disciplinary team.

  • International Association of Forensic Nurses

    The International Association of Forensic Nurses is the recognized authority on forensic nursing. The Association is the catalyst for universal access to forensic nursing care for patients impacted by violence and trauma. Its members are sought out by the public, policymakers, media, governments and worldwide healthcare systems for their expertise and knowledge.

  • Academy of Forensic Nursing

    The Academy of Forensic Nursing‘s mission is to link research to practice through dissemination of scholarship, education and service to those affected by and responding to trauma. The AFN provides webinars on a multitude of subjects as well as the ability to join in membership.

  • Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention

    Providing training and technical assistance to family violence professionals throughout the world on Strangulation and Suffocation crimes

  • By Your Side

    Wherever you are in Wisconsin, know that there’s help for all sexual assault survivors and their families. This site is a place to find advocacy and support services in your area. We are here for you when you’re ready. We are By Your Side.